Needing more supplies for the ship, particularly toilet paper, Akeno and a few others make an excursion to a nearby ocean shopping mall. Meanwhile, as Mashiro has worries about being compared to her mother, the principal, a peculiar rodent is picked up on the ship. Just as the girls get their supplies, they are confronted by some Blue Mermaids who capture Akeno. As ships surround the Harekaze, Shima Tateishi suddenly becomes possessed by something and starts shooting at the other ships until Wilhelmina stops her. Afterwards, it is revealed the ships are those of the Safety Oversight Office, who believe in the Harekaze's innocence and give them some supplies. Meanwhile, the rodent that was found in the box picked up earlier is sent to the medical room, where Minami decides to investigate it, believing it to be not a hamster or a rat.